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Case Study

Repurposing of a 5-star luxury Resort Hotel into a luxury Retirement Resort

The situation

The client is interested to repurpose a beautiful 5-star luxury and lush hillside resort hotel located in a peaceful and tranquil tropical rainforest in Malaysia into a luxury retirement resort targeting foreign nationals and high net worth individuals.


Our role and methodology

At the early stage, Aleevar conducted a business planning workshop with various service delivery stakeholders to brainstorm the Focus Areas of the retirement resort and the Priority Areas to achieve the Desired Outcome. An Action Plan was also required for each Focus Areas to achieve the Desired Outcome. The key Focus Areas under the business planning comprises of Physical Layout; Hospitality; Medical Service; Community Development; Technology; and Resident Experience and Marketing. Based on the findings from the workshop, Aleevar was tasked to help build a business plan for the refurbishment cost estimation of the available rooms at the resort facility.


The deliverable

Aleevar provided the client with a business plan including refurbishment costs and programmes for further deliberations by decision-makers. 


(Explore more by clicking on the link Retirement Village for affluent Muslims)

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